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Pictures of Kristoff in the Movie Frozen

Kristoff and Anna's love inFrozen makes for one of Disney's most interesting pairs. Older Disney tales always present the typical damsel in distress themes but in this movie, it's so refreshing to see Anna as the more adventurous one. Kristoff's character development is evident in his conversations with the princess, showing more sincerity than pride.

Aside from the astonishing musical numbers and powerful vocals, fans can notice that the characters' scripts are written thoughtfully and with the awareness of its viewers. Gone are the days when the prince always saves the day or is overly proud. Here are some of Kristoff's unforgettable lines that made fans swoon.

10 "You Got Engaged To Someone You Just Met That Day?"

While Kristoff and Anna ventures on their way to the northern mountain to find Elsa, the princess revealed that she got engaged that day to a prince she just met which allegedly caused Elsa's outrage. Kristoff was too dumbfounded about it that he asked her this question twice.

This statement shows that Kristoff is not like Prince Hans in many different ways. It shows that he believes in order to fall in love with someone, one person has to know the other in a deeper sense. This implies Kristoff's belief in spending more time with the person before deciding to marry.

9 "Are You Cold?"

As Kristoff and Anna spend more time and adventures together, he starts to grow concerned towards her. When Anna was shivering, he asked her if she's cold and he hesitated to embrace her but still made the gesture, which is acceptable because one cannot just hug a princess and they are still quite strangers to one another.

In this manner, Kristoff has already shown interest in Anna which is also a hint of their budding romance. The way he expresses himself around Anna and the fact that he never abandoned her in this journey are signs of true love.

8 "Make Sure She's Safe."

Because Anna is terribly sick and her only way to survive is true love's kiss, Kristoff and Sven drove as fast as they could towards Arendelle to find Prince Hans. When they arrived at the gate, he asked the maids to keep Anna warm and to make sure nothing will hurt her. As the gate closes, the audience could see Kristoff's worried face.

After they left the castle, Kristoff observed danger from a distance and he unhesitatingly runs back towards Anna. He knew that the princess was in grave danger and the only way to secure her safety is for him to go back.

7 "I Could Kiss You."

In this happily ever after ending of the first movie, Anna gave Kristoff a brand-new sled which she promised to replace after it was destroyed on their way to the mountains. Kristoff was overjoyed and to his excitement, he lifted Anna and told her he wanted to kiss her. He was embarrassed but Anna permitted him and gave him a kiss.

It was a swoon-worthy moment that they finally revealed to each other their true feelings. The fact that Kristoff also asked Anna's permission to kiss her is definitely a plus point.

6 "Greatest Mistake Of Your Life!"

While playing charades, Anna was gesturing a villain character. The rest gave descriptions of Prince Hans such as 'Unredeemable monster' and 'He didn't even kiss you', while Kristoff's answer was 'Greatest mistake of your life!' Of course, Prince Hans was a huge mistake but that statement gave a sort of sweet note.

It seems that Kristoff is telling Anna that he is the perfect one for her and, in fact, Kristoff was also preparing to propose to her but still waiting for the right moment.

5 "I Can't Seem To Get Her Attention Or Even Say The Right Thing."

When Kristoff and the group met the people of Northuldra, he befriended Ryder and shared with him his struggle of expressing his love for Anna. The affection is evident throughout the movie; however, it seems that it was always bad timing for the both of them whenever Kristoff pulls out the ring.

A partner trying their best to show effort and make their partner happy and feel loved is absolutely someone worth swooning over. The initiative is there and Kristoff just needed the right moment to say the right words at the right time.

4 "Princess Anna Of Arendelle, My Feisty, Fearless, Ginger, Sweet Love."

No matter how cringy this sounded, fans cannot deny that it is quite a sweet term of endearment. He even addressed Anna in her title and called her fearless. It would really be an adorable scene to witness Anna hear these words for the sake of seeing her reaction.

At this moment, Kristoff is no longer afraid of expressing his love for Anna. He even planned to do his proposal with an audience—a bunch of reindeer—but still, the willingness is apparent.

3 "I'm Here, What Do You Need?"

This is one of the most talked-about lines from the movie. As Kristoff rescued Anna from danger, he told her these words like she's dressed up in full warrior gear while he provides as much support as she needed. It is a refreshing take to see a princess take charge instead of letting the prince finish the game.

It is also a wonderful sight to see a character like Kristoff not attempt to steal the spotlight from Anna but rather shows his love by making an assurance that he is by her side no matter what.

2 "It's Okay, My Love Is Not Fragile."

The sweetest words ever said by Kristoff could make any doubter believe in true love again. When Anna apologized for leaving him to go with Elsa, he reassured her that his love never changed. When he uttered his love is not fragile, he meant that he trusted Anna and their relationship, and so whatever happens, he believes they will always find their way back to each other.

Kristoff would be a great example of someone who does not dwell too much on his own insecurities but rather projects a forgiving kind of love.

1 "Anna, You Are The Most Extraordinary Person I've Ever Known. I Love You With All I Am."

Finally, the perfect moment for Kristoff to ask Anna's hand in marriage arrived in the most unexpected situation. There were no long rehearsals and flowery words—he just said what's inside his heart.

The script of the sequel is wholesome and carefully written in general. His words of affection here will always make fans feel as if they are loved and cared for. That being said, Kristoff may have set the bar too high for the next Disney romantic leads to follow.

NEXT: Frozen: 10 Visually Stunning Scenes, Ranked

Next The 15 Most Beloved So-Bad-They're-Good Movies (Ranked According To Their Rotten Tomatoes Scores)

Pictures of Kristoff in the Movie Frozen
