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Frozen Cake Pops to Celebrate Frozen 2

These absurd Frozen Block Pops are are gorgeous winter treat and they're as tasty as they look! Perfect to gloat the release of the new Frozen 2 picture show!

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are the perfect winter treat! Plus, they taste as good as they look!

Frozen Cake Pops to Gloat Frozen two

Frozen Ii hits theaters next week and I tin can't believe it's finally happening! The girls and I have been counting downwardly the days (ok…years!!) for the Frozen sequel!

Are your kids excited too??

To celebrate, nosotros've made these gorgeous blueish cake pops in honor of Frozen 2.

If you've never made a block popular from scratch earlier, you're in luck! This like shooting fish in a barrel frozen cake pop recipe is the perfect wintertime treat for any Elsa or Anna fan! Your kids will dear creating these fun block pops, and they're a great snack to enjoy while watching Frozen.

We photographed them without sticks, because honestly, we just wanted to dig right in and adding sticks seemed like an extra stride!

We just couldn't wait to finish making (and then swallow) our Frozen cake pops!! They turned out so cute! Promise you and your piddling Frozen fans love them as much as we exercise!

Related: Like shooting fish in a barrel Marbled Frozen Altogether Cake Recipe

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are the perfect winter treat! Plus, they taste as good as they look!

For your convenience, I've included shop-able advertizement links to some of the products used to make our Frozen Cake Pops recipe; read our disclosure policy hither.

Frozen Cake Pops Ingredients

  • 1 box funfetti cake mix + ingredients to make the batter
  • one container of blue frosting OR vanilla frosting + blue food coloring
  • 1 pocketbook of Ghirardelli white chocolate melting wafers
  • blue and white jimmies (optional)

Kitchen Tools:

  • Not-slip mixing bowls
  • Muffin tins
  • Silicone cupcake liners

How to Make Frozen Cake Balls

Preheat oven to 350°F and gear up a muffin tin can with cupcake liners.

TIP: Since you lot'll be removing the cake from the liners before serving, nosotros recommend reusable silicone cupcake liners. We beloved ours!

Prepare block batter co-ordinate to box directions and scoop concoction into your muffin pan.

Broil at 350°F for 21 minutes, or what the box recommends.

Remove from oven and allow to absurd, then pop the cupcakes out of the liners and into a mixing bowl.

Add one/2 Tablespoon of frosting to the crumbled cake and mix together. Add more than frosting as needed until you have a thick dough-like consistency.

Grade dough into assurance of about 1 Tablespoon each.

IF MAKING Block POPS: This is where you add the lollipop sticks!

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are the perfect winter treat! Plus, they taste as good as they look!

Place balls onto a cookie canvas with parchment paper and freeze for 30 minutes.

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are the perfect winter treat! Plus, they taste as good as they look!

While cake balls chill, set up your white chocolate coating by melting the white chocolate in a double banality.

Dip cake pops into the melted chocolate until fully coated, then place back on the cookie sheet. Repeat until all are coated.

While chocolate is still damp, sprinkle blue and white jimmies on top of the cake balls.

Allow chocolate coating to set up completely and relish!

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are the perfect winter treat! Plus, they taste as good as they look!

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Why Do Block Pops Fall Off the Stick?

Our recipe uses frosting to thicken the concoction and let you to roll it into balls. You really just need plenty frosting for things to "gel" together.

Using also much frosting can brand the concoction kind of slippery and the pops may fall off your processed sticks.

The good news is that they'll still taste fantastic either way! And every bit you can see, sometimes we brand them without the sticks anyways — similar bite size cake truffles, if you volition!

Why Are My Cake Pops Cracking?

Sometimes when making block balls, the chocolate coating cracks as it hardens. This is caused when the temperature difference between the chilled cake batter balls and melted chocolate is too corking.

One way to prevent this is to allow the chocolate to cool simply a bit before dipping the balls of batter into it. You'll have to piece of work speedily before the chocolate coolstoo much though!

How to Store Cake Pops

Once set, y'all tin can go on your cake balls or pops at room temperature for upwards to a calendar week. Shop in an airtight container with a newspaper towel or parchment paper lining the lesser.

Yous can brand them last a bit longer by placing the container in the refrigerator.

Can You Freeze Them?

Sure! I'd recommend wrapping individual cake pops in plastic wrap, then placing them inside a sealed freezer bag. They should terminal at least a couple months this way.

To defrost, remove individual block pops from the freezer handbag and allow them to come to room temperature on their own.

Grab a gratuitous printable copy of our Frozen Block Balls Recipe:

If you like this recipe, please charge per unit it! We'd also dear to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Frozen Cake Pops

These cool Frozen Cake Pops are are gorgeous winter care for and they're as tasty as they look! Perfect to celebrate the release of the new Frozen 2 movie!

Prep Time 30 mins

Melt Time 21 mins

Freeze Time xxx mins

Total Time 1 hr 21 mins

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American, Holiday

Keyword: cake, Block Pops, frozen, Frozen Cake Pops

Servings: xx Cake Pops

Calories: 214 kcal

Price: $8

  • cupcake pan

  • cupcake liners

  • 1 Box Funfetti Cake Mix + ingredients listed on box
  • i Container Blue frosting OR Vanilla Frosting + blue food coloring
  • i Purse Ghirardelli White Chocolate Melting Wafers
  • Blue and White Confetti Sprinkles optional
  • Preheat the oven to 350°F and prepare a muffin pan with cupcake liners.

  • Mix upwardly the cake concoction co-ordinate to package directions, and then scoop into your prepared cupcake pan.

  • Bake cupcakes at 350°F for 21 minutes (or box directions).

  • Remove from oven and carefully take the cupcakes out of the pan to absurd.

  • Once cool, remove liners and crumble the block into a mixing bowl.

  • Add 1/2 Tablespoon frosting to the crumbled cake and mix.

  • Proceed adding frosting as needed until you have a thick dough-like consistency.

  • Form dough into balls, using nearly 1 Tablespoon of batter for each.

  • Continue until all cake mix is formed into assurance. If making block pops, add sticks now.

  • Identify cake balls onto a plate and into the freezer for 30 minutes until set.

  • While cake freezes, fix the white chocolate.

  • Using a double boiler, cook the white chocolate until smooth.

  • Using a fork or chopsticks, carefully dip each block brawl into melted chocolate until fully coated. Allow excess chocolate to drip back into the bowl.

  • Place block assurance back onto plate or cookie sheet to dry.

  • While the chocolate coating is still moisture, add together confetti sprinkles to the top of the cake balls.

  • Repeat until all cake balls are covered in chocolate or sprinkles.

  • Allow chcoolate to set fully.

Notation: Nutrition information is a crude guess only; bodily values volition vary based on the exact ingredients used and amount of recipe prepared.

Nutrition data is for one cake pop, in a batch of 20 cake pops. Bodily values will vary based on how large or pocket-size your cake pops are.

Calories: 214 kcal | Carbohydrates: 37 m | Protein: one grand | Fat: 7 g | Saturated Fat: iii thousand | Sodium: 188 mg | Potassium: viii mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrate: 29 m | Calcium: nine mg | Atomic number 26: ane mg

Pivot this Frozen Cake Pops Recipe on Pinterest:

These cool Frozen Cake Balls are are gorgeous winter treat and they're as tasty as they look! Perfect to celebrate the release of the new Frozen II movie!

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