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Spanish Word to Make New Again

Planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking state? Chances are yous'll see locals who can speak English language. Simply you'll be surprised how much a few Spanish words can improve your experience! Locals will appreciate that you're making the effort to communicate in their language — it shows that you're a friendly and respectful guest.

If yous desire to go one pace further, endeavor one-on-ane Spanish lessons with an online tutor. You'll exist speaking from lesson 1, so even a crash course of five hours will make a huge difference!

50 Basic Castilian words and phrases

Here are l survival words to scribble down in a notebook ahead of your trip. Gyre down to learn how they're used in context!

Spanish word or phrase English translation
Me llamo My proper noun is
Mi Nombre es My name is
Hola, soy Markus Hi, I'grand Markus
¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name?
(Yo) tengo … años I am … years old.
(Yo) soy de… I come from…
Buenos días Good morning
Buenas tardes Proficient afternoon
Buenas noches Good evening / Good nighttime
¿Cómo está usted? How are you? (formal)
¿Cómo estás? How are you? (breezy)
¿Qué tal? How are you lot? (breezy) / What'due south up?
¿Cómo te va? How'due south it going?
¿Qué haces? What are you doing?
¿Qué pasa? What's happening?
Bien, gracias Good, thank you lot
Muy bien Very well
Así, así And then, and so
Como siempre As ever
¿Y tú? And you?
¡Gracias! Thank you lot!
¡Muchas gracias! Thank you very much!
¡De zippo! You lot're welcome! / No trouble!
Por favor Please
¡Perdon! Alibi me!
¡Disculpe! Excuse me!
¡Lo siento! Sorry!
¿Qué…? What?
¿Quién…? Who?
¿Cuándo…? When?
¿Dónde…? ¿Dónde…?
¿Por qué…? Why?
¿Cuál? Which?
¿Cómo…? How?
¿Qué hora tienes? What time is it?
¿De dónde viene? Where are you from?
¿Dónde vives? Where do yous live?
¿Puede ayudarme? Can you assistance me?
¿Podría ayudarle? Can I help you?
¿Cuánto cuesta eso? How much does it cost?
¿Entiende? Practise yous understand?
¡Puede repetirlo! Can you say that once again?
¿Qué significa [word]? What does [word] mean?
¿Puedes hablar más despacio? Tin can y'all speak slowly?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar united nations taxi? Where tin I observe a taxi?
¿Dónde está [hotel's name] hotel? Where is [hotel'due south proper noun] hotel?
No No
Tal vez Possibly
Claro Of course

Castilian greetings and responses

Spanish greetings and responses

Of form, you lot can't await to take some small talk without knowing some Spanish greetings. One of the most popular words in Castilian is " hola " which means " hello " or " howdy ". You can as well use the following Spanish expressions :

  • Buenos días — Skilful morning
  • Buenas tardes — Skillful afternoon
  • Buenas noches — Good evening / Adept night

To keep the conversation going, it'due south fourth dimension to ask "how are you". Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting:

  • ¿Cómo está usted? — How are you? (formal)
  • ¿Cómo estás? — How are you? (informal)
  • ¿Qué tal? — How are y'all? (informal) / What's up?
  • ¿Cómo te va? — How'southward it going?
  • ¿Qué haces? — What are yous doing?
  • ¿Qué pasa? — What'south happening?

If someone asks you one of these questions, you tin can utilise the following conversational Castilian phrases :

  • Bien, gracias — Good, thank you
  • Muy bien — Very well
  • Así, así — And so, so
  • Como siempre — As always

And likewise don't forget virtually this fundamental follow-up question:

  • ¿Y tú? — And you lot?

If yous feel like information technology's fourth dimension to switch to English language, you're free to clarify whether the person you're talking to speaks English or not. Just say "¿Habla inglés?" that is used for "Exercise you lot speak English?" .

How to introduce yourself in Spanish

If y'all desire to introduce yourself, you tin can say:

  • Me llamo — My name is
  • Mi nombre es — My name is

Just you can besides showtime with some other simple Castilian word "soy" which ways "I am" . For example:

  • Hola, soy Markus — Hi, I'm Markus

To enquire the proper name of a person you're talking to, you can say:

  • ¿Cómo te llamas? — What is your name?

When you're introduced to someone, you should say "mucho gusto" . Its literal translation is "pleasure" . Although it sounds too formal in English, this important Castilian phrase can besides exist translated as "nice to meet you" .

Hither are more simple Spanish phrases to use when you need to talk about yourself:

  • (Yo) tengo … años — I am … years old.
  • (Yo) soy de — I come from

Polite words and expressions in Spanish

man politely moving a chair for someone

No matter what your mother natural language is, the unproblematic words of politeness e'er go a long way. These Spanish phrases will surely come in handy during the conversation if you don't want to offend anyone:

  • ¡Gracias! — Thank you!
  • ¡Muchas gracias! — Give thanks you lot very much!
  • ¡De nil! — Y'all're welcome! / No problem!
  • Por favor — Delight (generally used at the stop of a sentence)
  • ¡Perdon! — Alibi me!
  • ¡Disculpe! — Alibi me! (to apologize in advance for being a bit of a bother)
  • ¡Lo siento! — Sorry! (to repent for a error)

Question words in Spanish

children asking questions

If you desire to make your conversation with other people actually effective, you have to know how to ask questions. So, hither is a list of Spanish question words you demand to memorize right away:

  • ¿Qué…? — What?
  • ¿Quién…? — Who?
  • ¿Cuándo…? — When?
  • ¿Dónde…? — Where?
  • ¿Por qué…? — Why?
  • ¿Cuál? — Which?
  • ¿Cómo…? — How?

Pay attention that question words in Spanish always come with an accent and opening every bit well every bit endmost question mark.

Just imagine that you're abroad. What should you exercise when you of a sudden need to enquire for help? Or if y'all want to buy something at a gift store? Of form, a handy Spanish lexicon in your pocket will certainly help, but it could have time for you to find the right phrase. To make certain you keep the conversation flowing, it'south crucial to learn basic Spanish sentences (questions and answers) before yous go abroad, so that you'll exist able to cope with any problems once they crop up.

Here are some examples of useful questions to larn:

  • ¿Qué hora tienes? — What time is it?
  • ¿De dónde viene? — Where are you lot from?
  • ¿Dónde vives? — Where exercise you live?
  • ¿Puede ayudarme? — Can you assistance me?
  • ¿Podría ayudarle? — Can I help you?
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? — How much does information technology cost?
  • ¿Qué hora tienes? — What fourth dimension is information technology?
  • ¿Entiende? — Do you sympathise?
  • ¡Puede repetirlo! — Can y'all say that again?
  • ¿Qué significa [discussion]? — What does [word] mean?
  • ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? — Can y'all speak slowly?
  • ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi? — Where can I observe a taxi?
  • ¿Dónde está [hotel's name] hotel? — Where is [hotel's name] hotel?
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And of course, yous should know what to respond:

  • Sí — Yep
  • No — No
  • Tal vez — Possibly
  • Siempre — Always
  • Nunca — Never
  • Claro — Of form
  • ¡Sin problema! — No problem!
  • No entiendo — I don't understand!
  • No (lo) sé — I don't know!
  • No tengo ni thought — I have no idea!
  • No hablo español — I don't speak Spanish
  • Estoy perdido — I'm lost
  • Mi español es malo — My Spanish is bad

Most mutual Castilian verbs: have, demand, want

Someone having a coffee

With this list of Spanish verbs , you'll accept a firm foundation for creating sentences in dissimilar circumstances. Basic Spanish for travelers is based on these uncomplicated words: to have (tener), to want (querer), to need (necesitar) .

If you want to ask whether someone has something you demand, you may say "¿Tienes…?" followed past a necessary noun. When you're at the hotel, you might ask the receptionist;

  •  ¿Tienes las amenidades de baño? — Practice you have bath amenities?

You could besides say "necesito" if you demand something. Are y'all at the railway station and want to purchase a ticket? Just say:

  • Necesito united nations boleto a Seattle — I need a ticket to Seattle

Any time you lot desire something, you tin say " quiero ". For example:

  • Yo quiero un café — I want a cup of coffee

Using these uncomplicated constructions, yous'll be easily understood and notice a way out of any situation. Just add the right substantive to the required verb, but don't forget to conjugate it correctly.

Want to know how to conjugate Spanish verbs? Check out our article " The Ultimate Guide to Spanish Conjugations ".

How to celebrate in Castilian

A wedding celebration

There are various expressions in Castilian used for special occasions. These phrases are perfect for events like birthdays, party or dinner with friends:

  • ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! — Happy Birthday!
  • ¡Felicitaciones! — Congratulations!
  • ¡Diviértete! — Have fun!
  • ¡Buen provecho! — Bon appetit!
  • ¡Bienvenidos! / ¡Bienvenidas! — Welcome!
  • Salud! — Cheers!

How to say goodbye in Spanish

Saying Goodbye

It's always hard to say goodbye, especially if you don't know how to exercise it properly. Here are some popular Spanish phrases to help you end a conversation:

  • Adiós — Goodbye
  • Chao — Good day
  • Hasta luego — See you later (well-nigh likely today)
  • Hasta mañana — Run into you tomorrow
  • Nos vemos — Come across you (informal)
  • ¡Cuídate mucho! — Have intendance!
  • ¡Tenga un buen día! — Take a dainty day!
  • ¡Hasta luego! — Run into y'all soon!
  • ¡Buen viaje! — Have a good trip!

Terminal thoughts

So now yous accept the right key words to help you go started on your Spanish linguistic communication journeying. With these useful phrases, you'll soon discover yourself having your first conversation with a native Spanish speaker.

The best way to learn these words is past practicing regularly and learning Spanish online. Preply offers i-on-1 lessons with native Spanish tutors, so you can easily observe an expert and offset putting your knowledge into practice correct away.
